June 6, 2022

Awaken Your Creativity

Awaken Your Creativity

Today, I'm talking about what happens when you put down these judgments and vulnerably meet your creative self. This journey to connect your outer world with their inner world may awaken and rediscover that creative part of you waiting to reunite.

I am Erica Smigielski, a Depth Hypnosis and Applied Shamanic Practitioner. Soulful Soundbites is for anyone looking to nourish their soul in practical and relatable ways through bite-size insights for your soul.

Today, I'm talking about what happens when you put down these judgments and vulnerably meet your creative self. This journey to connect your outer world with their inner world may awaken and rediscover that creative part of you waiting to reunite.

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And much gratitude to

Erica Smigielski, creator, producer, and writer, continues to place energetic ‘milk bottles’ through each episode to help those who seek or need a ray of light.

Janae MacMaster and the QBR Team (quickbusinessresolutions.com) provide endless support (and tireless edits) to bring you this podcast.

Clementine Moss designed and recorded the music for Soulful Soundbites and co-facilitated the Awaken and Rediscover Your Creative Self workshop series in May 2021. Follow her and experience her magic at instagram.com/clemthegreat/.

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Hey Friends!

Have you noticed your creativity has fallen flat? What I mean by that is perhaps you have fears that limit or discount your creativity. Or maybe your inner voice tells you creativity is not important. Or you feel there's no time for creativity. 

Today, I'm talking about what happens when you put down these judgments and vulnerably meet your creative self. This journey to connect your outer world with their inner world may awaken and rediscover that creative part of you waiting to reunite.

Last year, I co-facilitated a workshop series with a dear friend and fellow practitioner, Clementine Moss. We lead a beautiful group of beings to reconnect with their creativity. And the other day, I stumbled across notes from the wisdom shared by this group. It's on point. I found it inspiring as I work on an offer I'm over the moon about and will tell you about in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile, I'm sharing these rich insights with you now. You'll especially find them relatable and heartening if you're revisiting your relationship with creativity or want to reconnect with your source of creativity.

Expected and Unexpected Ways of Creativity

Creativity is typically associated with music, art, photography, creative writing, performing arts, and on and on. 

An unexpected way to creativity is accessing your inner world of imagination. You know, beneath the critical mind and where your metaphors live. It's that place within you where images, symbols, and parallels reflect your creative expression. And when you discover this place and unlock your truth and essence, you also ignite your creative spark. 

Let's make this relatable. Think of times when you were in a flow state and creating something. Remember how you felt when you connected with your creative self. And in those times, how did your relationship with creativity serve you? Did you feel at ease? Was it difficult to slip into that creative flow? Were you surprised by the outcome?

I'll share a personal story. When I write my social posts, a blog, or an article - I slip into my inner world, my inner knowing. Words flow through my fingertips to the keyboard in a way where they creatively express my feeling and my essence. And when a spark of curiosity surfaces through my writing - I research it. I gather more insights. And this process leads me down a rabbit hole of more symbols and metaphors. This unexpected way of creativity allows me to see things differently and gather new perspectives.

Creative Blocks

And with creativity - comes creative blocks. A creative block appears in many different costumes. For example, my inner critic sometimes appears in place of my genuine curiosity. This inner voice critiques the info that comes through me and sends me down a path of validating for the accuracy or searching for a better way to express a thought or feeling. Other times this critic appears in a costume of fear. Fearful that my expression is not unique enough or good enough. 

You may describe your creative block in other ways and have different reasons for reconnecting with your creativity.

  • You may not relate or identify yourself as a creative person and are looking to ignite something within and find your creativity.
  • You may feel perfectionism got in the way of your creativity - so much so that you feel you lost all your creativity. And now you want to unlock yourself from perfectionism.
  • You may just feel stuck in your creativity right now and not in a flow. And you want to work through this and return to that flow state.
  • You may have fears that limit or discount your creativity and have you play small to avoid being seen. And maybe that fear tells you creativity is not important, or there's no time for creativity. But your heart of hearts knows that's not true. And you yearn to reconnect with your creativity.

So, let's take a moment and reflect. How do you describe your creative block? What are your reasons for wanting to reconnect with your creativity? How does your creativity get blocked? What does it feel like when a block is released, and you're free from obstructions? 

While this information is fresh, you may find relief in writing a letter to your creative block. Let the creative block know it's no longer needed and time to move along. Allow yourself space to express all the feels you have towards the block.

Sometimes when you hold on so tightly to a limiting belief or remain encaged in an old structure, you dim to fit in. Instead, imagine if you allowed your creative light, your flame, to steer you - especially when it shines its brightest. What incredible paths you may see in front of you.

Antidotes for Creative Blocks

This leads me to antidotes for creative blocks. One gentle antidote to creative blocks is Mother Nature. Nature is a creative release. When you're in nature, you allow your mind to take a break. The elements move under you or through you and soften your creative blocks. Or maybe you find inspiration when you're in nature. 

Nature has a way of holding space for you to connect with your inner wisdom and get out of your head. It's one of the many gifts she offers you and can help you navigate your creative block. That may be the steadiness of the Earth below you and how it's a ground for you to be more self-accepting. Or notice how the breeze blows away the dullness and heaviness of your creative block and presents you with clarity. And sometimes, it's simply being in the vibration of nature that unravels the patterning of a creative block.

Another antidote for a creative block is to change things up. This change could be simply taking a new approach to something you do routinely. Or maybe you wear something different, fun, and out of character. These changes trip the pattern of your block, where you may feel encaged in structures and routines. This shift can spark your creativity.

Other antidotes may come as practical tools. You may consider...

  • Creating a routine that serves as a container for you to easily slide into. Schedule time with yourself to be creative and play. Make it just as important as a doctor's appointment. Think of it as an appointment with your creative self, Doctor of Creativity.
  • On days when you don't feel creative, just show up. It's days like this when you have creative breakthroughs since you're unattached to the outcome or to be productive. A musician friend once shared that sometimes it's only 2 chords that create a cascading flow of creativity. So inspiration isn't the only vessel to creativity. Sometimes it's simply showing up and starting somewhere.
  • And when you feel distracted, focus on administrative tasks that support your creative work. So when you return - you're even more ready to step into your creativity. This could be tidying up the area you do your creative work, so it's more inviting when you return. Or maybe it's refilling or restocking your supplies, so you're ready to roll when you return.

Let's bring this home and look inward. Reflect on that inner place where flow occurs and experience yourself as a creative being. As you embody this creating being, note how you feel. Observe how you move in this creative state? What are you wearing? Where are you? What are you doing? What does it feel like? 

And as you hold these reflections, try the remedies to see which one serves as an antidote to your creative block and brings you back to your flow state. Note which approaches cultivate and evolve your relationship to creativity. Add those tools to your creative toolkit. Or maybe there's a talisman or symbol to serve as a guidepost for you. This guidepost may remind you to reconnect with your creativity or revisit your relationship with creativity.

Awakening Your Creativity

And as you reestablish these connections within yourself, they serve as a bridge between your outer world and your inner world. And when you establish that connection, you just may awaken and rediscover your creative self. 

And here are some pearls of wisdom from the beautiful group of beings Clem and I led in our workshop series last year. They are too spectacular to not share. So here we go...

Your creative self lives freely in your truth and with infinite potential.

Creativity is freeing and provides relief as you step into your essence. It's how you exist and how you are in the world. It comes easily when you are quiet and when you move away from the busy-ness around you and in you.

Creativity is like an ever-blossoming lotus - it's a fundamental quality that thrives under difficult conditions. You simply turn towards it to access your creativity.

Creativity is your honey. Sometimes you filter through raw feelings to access your honey. Honey can be annoyingly sticky and messy and sweet, gooey bliss.

And sometimes, you may need to let go of your creativity to have more structure so you can meet life's demands. But here's the thing. These structures are temporary. And they're usually only needed for a period of time. So, remember to check in with yourself as you may see that it's time to free yourself from those systems and structures so that you can return to your creative flow. Access to your creativity is always there and ready for you to engage. 

Full Circle

Creativity is a bridge that allows you to connect your inner world with your outer world and your outer world with your inner world. And when you establish that connection and experience being in a creative flow state - something magical happens. You notice that your internal senses are a divine connection to Source, Grace, Light, Creator, God, or whichever name you use. And that energy flowing through your senses is creative energy. So, bringing a sacred presence to your creativity is divine creativity.

Main Takeaways

The main takeaways from today's show are...

  1. An unexpected pathway to creativity is accessing your inner world of imagination. You know, beneath the critical mind and where your metaphors live. This source reflects your creative expression. And when you discover this place and unlock your essence, you also ignite your creative spark.
  2. When you experience a creative block like a limiting belief or remain encaged in an old structure, you dim to fit in. Imagine if you allowed your creative light, your flame, to steer you. Imagine what incredible paths you see that are right in front of you.
  3. A gentle antidote to a creative block is leaning into Mother Nature as a teacher. When you do this, you notice her gifts and how they inspire you to strengthen your relationship with creativity and overcome your creative blocks.
  4. And when you move past your creative blocks, you access your inner creativity. You create connections within yourself. These connections serve as a bridge between your outer world and your inner world. And through that connection, you awaken and rediscover your creative self. 

See you in next week's episode.

I honor the divine in you.