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June 28, 2023

Cosmos and Careers with Rhetta Rowland

Cosmos and Careers with Rhetta Rowland

Conversations with Rhetta Rowland are provoking and engaging. In this episode, Rhetta talks about how she brings the wisdom of the stars into her career coaching. She shares that when the cosmic mystery meets this earthly plane, it creates a syllabus for you. This outline or blueprint helps you follow the energy of your chart and make sense of the work you’re here to do, access guidance to maneuver crossroads, and learn how you show up in your career and life. You don’t want to miss this one!

Rhetta Rowland is an executive career coach and evolutionary astrologer. She helps business leaders at a crossroads in their careers go from bored and blah to thriving. In this episode, we touched on dreamy topics such as:

  • Your natal chart works like your syllabus for this lifetime and outlines the lessons you're here to learn, the challenges you're to face, and your unique gifts and talents.
  • Cosmic wisdom helps discern whether a block in your career is a lesson or an invitation for you to transform it into an essential part of your mission. 
  • Tell if your default behavior is part of your karmic pattern and when’s the best time to break that pattern and take a leap, stretch, or move to do it differently. 
  • The stars help you see your karma, past life, and dharma to identify potential growth or a perfect opportunity.

Much gratitude to

Rhetta Rowland, for your rich and activating conversations that generously inspire me to try new things and consider new ideas. 

Janae MacMaster and the QBR Team (quickbusinessresolutions.com) for providing endless support (and tireless edits) to bring you this podcast.

Clementine Moss designed and recorded the music for Soulful Soundbites. Follow her and experience her magic at @clemthegreat.

Erica Smigielski, creator, producer, and writer, continues to place energetic ‘milk bottles’ through each episode to help those who seek or need a ray of light.

👀 Remember, you can *see* us in a video episode in my free SparkPath Community

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Rhetta! I'm so happy we made this happen. You’ve been on my list of people to share our conversations with the world. So I'm so glad you're here. And for those that don't yet know Rhetta, she's an executive coach and an evolutionary astrologer. And I just have to say, she's pretty badass. You work with professionals and entrepreneurs and help them lean into the stars and find meaning in life and work. It’s so brilliant! 


At some point, everyone has looked at their astrological chart or horoscope to find meaning. But to bridge this into a business setting, I just can't wait to talk about this. I even got to experience a bit of your work personally. I'm so happy you're here.


Let’s start by having you share how you arrived here. Please share your journey, including how you brought the wisdom of the stars into the business setting. Like me, you grew up in corporate America, and I want to hear how you arrived here. 



Okay. All right. Thank you for that introduction. Thank you for having me. And I hope Foxy doesn't cough into this microphone. I'm holding my dog Foxy right now. So, how did I get here? I grew up always wanting to be successful in corporate America. It was my dream to have the big shoulder pad padded blazer on and be a corporate CEO, and as I got into the business, it was much harder to find the right fit.


I found each year, I bought the book, “What Color is My Parachute.” And I had jobs. I was working hard. I'd gotten an MBA, but it still felt like I wasn't finding the right place. And so that was always going on in the back of my mind. And then, around 2010-2011, I met an astrologer at a networking event. We were seated beside each other, and I had never considered astrology an answer to anything - at least anything important to me. Of course, I grew up always reading my horoscope in Cosmopolitan. I'm of that generation where you look it up in the magazine, right? But of course, as soon as I got in the magazine, I would look for my astrological horoscope. So there I was. I was doing it but not believing it - kind of a split with astrology. 


Anyway, jump forward. I meet this woman at a networking event. I was a senior director in this enormous corporation running a marketing branding team. And from the outside, it looked like I'd found my place, if that makes sense. But I'm still feeling it's not quite right. I find this astrologer. I start seeing her. She reads my natal chart. She told me things I had thought about myself or wanted to do or longed for - but I'd never said out loud. I'd always dreamed of being an entrepreneur, but what I did was run teams. And so I thought, I can't be an entrepreneur. I need to run teams. So I need to be in an organization. And through the chart, the astrologer was validating this entrepreneurial drive, and that's what my soul had come to do. And I had default settings. My karma was good at managing other people and being a servant to others - in one sense. But I was not putting myself and my dreams first.


And so, I came to this work through that experience and transformation. This time with the astrologer also helped me do even that job better because I learned things about myself. I realized I'm an activator. And if you want something done, I will do it fast. I don't ask a lot of questions. I just do. And sometimes, that doesn't work well on teams. And other sometimes it's, it's exactly what's needed. So when I could identify it and say to my team, “I'm an activator, so do you want me to go now, or do you want me to check in with people?” - that worked for me and my team. So that's a long way of saying how I started to put astrology to use in my career at that time in my life. Astrology also guided me on how I eventually went out to have my own business and do what my soul longed to do. I came here to face that fear of going out on my own. I’ll stop here. That was a lot. 



And it was so good! It helps emphasize how the mystery of the cosmos meets this earthly plane and helps people make sense of their incarnation - like what they're here to do and how they show up. That's just a beautiful story. It helps root people in hearing how the cosmos and careers complement each other. 



Yeah. Many people know astrology through a forecast they come across on social media. Maybe on Instagram, they see it's a new moon or Pluto's doing something. And that stuff is important. But what I work with is someone's natal chart. And the natal chart is a snapshot of the sky at the moment you're born. It shows what sign every planet was in. And each planet and each sign means something. And I treat the natal chart like your syllabus for this lifetime. It has the lessons you're here to learn, the challenges you're to face, and your unique gifts and talents. And if in the chart, if it's in your syllabus, and you were born with a block - it also means you were born with the innate gifts and tools to address this block. So don't be scared if we've got a block in your chart . Everybody'serybody's got one. 


There was a lot of comfort and validation in knowing this. My block was in launching myself into the world. I felt that. I always felt that was extra hard.


And where the block is, is the invitation to keep focusing on it. Don't give up because it's hard. You have to be disciplined and pragmatic; it will transform into a key part of your mission. So knowing that was like, aha! It doesn't mean I'm hitting walls and need to stop and go in another direction. Actually, it’s not a wall. It's more of the analogy of climbing a mountain. And yes, it's steep and exhausting. But I'm on the right path. And that's what I believe the natal chart can tell you. 



You described that so eloquently. The natal chart is like a blueprint or a template for moving through life. And when you think of it as a syllabus, for those of us who feel like life is just a big learning journey, that resonates too. 


And there's something you said that you can expand on. That moment you're born can outline your life's work and provide deeper meaning - like what to follow to pursue your soul's desires and here to do. I'd love to know how you make that actionable. In the past, when I've had my natal chart read, I know myself more than I thought I would ever know. But then I'm like, now what? 



Exactly. That's how I felt, too. In all the readings I received then, the astrologers spent 75 to 90 minutes talking to me. There was very little interaction, and mostly someone talking. Astrologers tend to be intellectual, and I've got a lot to share and need to tell you - so let me tell you. And they're being of service by transmitting this information. 


I wanted two things in an astrology reading. I wanted more dialogue, and, like you, I wanted to know how this helps me take action. I wanted more.


Since my background is in launching products and brands and project management - I thought holding astrology readings in a business setting was perfect. I want to help launch people - whether helping entrepreneurs launch a business or professionals needing to pivot and launch themselves in a different way in the corporate environment. So that's why I'm also a coach because I want to stay with you through the transformation and when you hit ,blocks and hiccups and start going back into the default behavior - I can guide you. My default behavior would've been to get another corporate job, which was not the right path for me. But for others, it absolutely is. And so having a coach that sees that in your chart, I can talk my client through that. I can see the sector layer of the chart to learn where the planets are today to inform you of the key timing - like when is the right time to look for a new job or the right time to launch a business. And that’s why I like to partner with my client during their transition or transformation. 



Yes. Let's talk about and unravel this because when someone's at a crossroads in their career, it's usually that point where it's like, “How did it end up here again?” Or why is this not working itself out? Why does this relationship look like my past relationships with my managers? 


So we may not necessarily know the timing; we may find ourselves at that crossroads and in that ickiness and the mucky muck before we're willing to explore that. And now more than ever, people at that crossroads are curious and willing to try something different than past executive coaches. And that's where someone like you or I could help. And so when they're in that place and have the courage and curiosity to lean into astrology to help them navigate, tell me a little about how the second sector or that second layer of timing can help them.



Okay. Someone's coming to a crossroads, and they're like, I've been here before. I keep bumping up against this. I will first look at the natal chart because there might be a lesson here. There may be something their soul came to learn, and they're doing it as part of that default pattern or as part of the karma, and they need to take this leap or stretch or move to do it differently. And it's almost written in the chart, but whether the person can hear it. I do this cause I feel like it bounces off because they're still not ready to hear it. It can take time before the lesson is seen in the pattern. Or an invitation to try a new behavior. So, that's one piece of that. 


The other piece is, yes, the timing. By looking at the nodes - the karma, past life and dharma - I can see the potential growth to reach the goal. And if a planet today is in some way significantly relating to these nodes, it could be time to break a karmic cycle. In other words, it could be a perfect opportunity. And as beautiful as the universe is, it will serve up this opportunity. And it might look like that manager that reminds you of that parent you had a challenging relationship with. It's going to serve it right up. And that's where it's great to have somebody with you, like a coach who you can call and talk with when the pattern is happening so I can help you have a conversation differently with that manager or whatever the situation may be.



Right. Having a partner with someone that knows how you work helps them through tricky situations. It’s profound how you bring these two worlds together. And I'm wondering, in your personal journey, was there a crossroads that you were at in that corporate space where you needed to relaunch yourself more meaningfully? Perhaps in a way that is aligned with your soul's desire or purpose?



Yeah. Mine happened when I was working with this astrologer and she's saying it's time to leave. It's time to let go. Pluto is on the Midheaven, which can mean death. But it was in my house of career. She was saying, you must let go. And I'm like, but I can't. I can't. I couldn't even use words. Because I mean, this is how I make money. This was my identity. My everything. 


Nothing made any sense. I didn't have the next thing lined up. But there was Pluto. And when Pluto comes up, it's time for transformation. And it typically comes at a time of death, transformation, and rebirth. So I needed to let go of something. And also I was becoming ill. I was in the early stages of adrenal fatigue and had various health symptoms, but I was still at that job. I'm still showing up. I wasn't listening to my body. And then it came—the massive layoff. And the death happened. It was taken away from me. 



And the gift of death happened. 



The gift! Exactly! So, like synchronistically, Pluto will show you a loss, invite you to let go of something, and know you can do it. I could've done it earlier or waited. It will happen for you because that energy can't be changed. The energy of Pluto is present. And what I also love is now I know what it means. So if I see this in somebody else's chart, I'm not just telling 'em what I read in a book or listened to in a lecture. I'm like, oh no, I lived through this, and it, then there was the transformation and rebirth. 


And what I noticed during that time is I physically couldn’t get my resume ready and find another job. I just couldn't. I was repulsed at the idea. I'd get sleepy, but if someone handed me an astrology book, I was lit up and couldn't get enough of it. And so I started taking online classes, and I would stay up till two reading, which was not good if you have adrenal fatigue. And I hired my first coach, even though I didn’t have a job and was freaked out financially. But I summoned the courage to hire a coach, and she just kept encouraging me to follow the energy. Follow what you love, which didn’t make sense at the moment. I thought she was crazy. I come from the world of, you have to do the hard things to succeed. I'm talking about the toxic masculinity of extraneous effort and fighting. 



The grind and grit.



And she was encouraging me to follow the love. I considered an astrology apprenticeship program. But I told myself I'm too old to become an astrologer - it’s too late. It takes 20 years to be an astrologer. And the inner critic was telling me what I couldn't do. And so, the coach helped me sort through which inner voice I wanted to listen to follow the Pluto energy.


I started studying astrology. I took a couple of part-time marketing consulting jobs and completed coaching training. I kept taking step, by step. And then here we are today. 



And I'm so grateful that you traveled the less traveled road and now show up in this light. We need you and this work at this time, in this era.


Can you talk a bit about what your work might look like for a business leader leading a corporate team? How do you come in and help them? I imagine there might be resistance to this work as it may reveal that team members are in the wrong job.



Yes. Corporate America is not everyone's purpose or soul's destiny. Yet, there are people who are meant to stay in that corporate space and lead and make a huge impact. And so what I help people do is just get clarity, career clarity. And, so, a couple of things popped up as you were asking this. One is if I go in and work with a team, I'm focused on team dynamics. I hold a workshop to learn. Learn about yourself. Learn your inner motivations and gifts. Learn about when your shadow pops up, and I have an approachable way of talking about that. So it's a way of learning about yourself and each other. It enhances EI or emotional intelligence of the group. I only go into your purpose in a one-on-one deep dive - not a group setting. 


Something else I do in a group is helping managers connect with their team - assuming team members feel comfortable letting me see their full chart and are okay with me talking to their manager. I get everybody's permission. Then I can tell the manager what best motivates each of their direct reports. Certain people are emotional (or not emotional), and it’s evolutionary necessary for them to get a lot of feedback and applause. It’s this type of attention that motivates them. And other people don’t trust that type of attention, or it feels funny. And so everybody needs a certain amount of feedback and validation. And then, there are ways people receive feedback better than others. So that's been one thing I've been able to help with. How do we give feedback? How do we let people know they're appreciated? As well as having people feel comfortable saying what they prefer to do.

There was a situation with two people at the same level on a team. And the manager asked which one wanted to handle the financial reporting in the spreadsheet. And one person's response was Virgo-minded, dutiful, and even though they find that type of stuff hard - they felt nobody wants it so they’ll do it. And sitting right beside her was someone who was also a Virgo - but a different kind of Virgo. She had a lot more Gemini with her Virgo and a lot of high energy. And she loved working with spreadsheets. And she thought, oh, I love doing it. Everybody loves doing it. So I'll stand back and let somebody else have it. And so there was this misunderstanding. And pulling that out, we found who really should own the financial reporting and budget management. 



Rhetta, that's so beautiful. And I want to add an exclamation point to that story. So many personality tests have been manufactured by a man - and a white male nonetheless. And so, as we start to soften some of those boundaries, it's nice to see someone like you that comes in with the wisdom from the stars and helps people navigate this wisdom. Because, as you and I have found, it’s profoundly powerful to lean into the stars, planets, and planetary placements to understand yourself better. And I love that you're bringing that into the business setting to help people move in a way that aligns with them. 



Yes. Aw, thank you. Thank you. And I want to add one more thing about the team dynamics. This might be a better example. When people read and learn about themselves - they also learn  how they dawn on others. What I mean by that is the rising sign is how others see you and the way you see the world. So if someone has an Aries rising, they dawn on some other people as their direct action. Let's go! And that can scare some people. And the Aries person, this was what happened to me, thought she was getting stuff done. She thought, “I'm a great team player.” Later, I found some people with much more water in their charts who were terrified of me. And I had no idea! And so we did the exercise as a team and then had a name for it. We could just say, oh, that's Rhetta activating. And then someone who was frightened by it could say, “Rhetta, you’re activating too fast for me,” or “Your activation's scaring me a bit.” We had this language that wasn't “Rhetta is a bully.” or interpreted as, “Rhetta is steamrolling us.” It was a facet of my makeup and just how I am. And others could help me manage it by using this language so I can dial it up or down once I’m aware.



Yes. And the team can realize when Rhetta’s activating would be great for a particular project. And then you're shining because you're doing the work that just is so right for you and your innate tendencies.



Exactly. That is, that is the ideal scenario. Yes, 



Well, I could talk to you forever on this topic or in general, but let’s wrap this up by asking you this question. What practical guidance would you offer your younger self to lean into this curiosity that landed you where you are?



Oh. I would tell my younger self to follow your heart more - and sooner. I made a lot of choices when I was younger - even in college - thinking if I did this, it’ll get me a good job. Or this (insert action, role, title) is what employers look for. I didn't follow what I loved and instead followed what I thought I was good at.


And that would've sent me on a different path, and I may’ve ended up in the same roles, but I would've come at it from more of a grounded heart place. 



I love that. It's so good. I love asking this question because I hope that someday our teen daughters will listen to the podcast and find it inspiring, and make it to the end to hear that sage advice that is so often shared.


So thank you, Rhetta. It's such a pleasure to have you, and I appreciate you making time for this conversation. 



Oh, thank you. Thank you. I really enjoyed it. I love talking to you too.

Rhetta RowlandProfile Photo

Rhetta Rowland

Evolutionary Astrologer / Executive Career Coach / Founder / CEO

I combine coaching methodology, real-world business experience, and evolutionary astrology to help courageous humans like you find the work they love. I’ve worked with hundreds of people to successfully navigate career crossroads and land the role that lights them up with energy and meaning.