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June 21, 2022

Reflect in the Summer Solstice

I am dropping today's episode one day early to celebrate the summer solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere.

The summer solstice is the day with the most hours of sunlight and the brightest day of the year. It's a time for you to be seen in your essence! In this episode, I lead you through a series of inquiries to celebrate your uniqueness and activate the direction you're headed.

And divinely enough, this is my 21st episode that will land on the 21st of June. I love when these subtle synchronicities happen.

I am Erica Smigielski, a Depth Hypnosis and Applied Shamanic Practitioner. Soulful Soundbites is for anyone looking to nourish their soul in practical and relatable ways through bite-size insights for your soul.

I am dropping today's episode one day early to celebrate the summer solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere.

The summer solstice is the day with the most hours of sunlight and the brightest day of the year. It's a time for you to be seen in your essence! In this episode, I lead you through a series of inquiries to celebrate your uniqueness and activate the direction you're headed.

And divinely enough, this is my 21st episode that will land on the 21st of June. I love when these subtle synchronicities happen.

I invite you to subscribe on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to your podcast. And remember to join my Soulful Soundbites community at soulfulsoundbites.mn.co to engage in meaningful conversations on topics like this with travelers like you.

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Thank YOU for listening, and an extra warm thank you to those of you who rate and write a review and share the podcast with a friend.

And much gratitude to

Erica Smigielski, creator, producer, and writer, continues to place energetic ‘milk bottles’ through each episode to help those who seek or need a ray of light.

Janae MacMaster and the QBR Team (quickbusinessresolutions.com) provide endless support (and tireless edits) to bring you this podcast.

Clementine Moss designed and recorded the music for Soulful Soundbites. Follow her and experience her magic at instagram.com/clemthegreat/.

👀 Remember, you can *see* us in a video episode in my free SparkPath Community

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Hey Friends!

I am dropping today's episode one day early to celebrate the summer solstice here in the Northern Hemisphere.

The summer solstice is the day with the most hours of sunlight and the brightest day of the year. It's a time for you to be seen in your essence! In this episode, I lead you through a series of inquiries to celebrate your uniqueness and activate the direction you're headed.

And divinely enough, this is my 21st episode that will land on the 21st of June. I love when these subtle synchronicities happen.

Let's dive in!


Let's start with the basics. In the Northern Hemisphere, the summer solstice occurs when the North pole is titled most directly towards the sun. This means it's the longest day of the year and symbolizes the beginning of summer. As the sun appears to stand still, celebrate the sun and being seen! 

Like the Native Americans' Sundance, observe this season as your prayer for life. Use this time as your renewal to remain connected with the mysteries of the universe. Or perhaps use it as a springboard to light the fire in your heart and activate and energize yourself. Maybe you sit in the sun and feel its spark and zest. Or set an alter that captures this warm energy. 

The summer solstice is the first day of Cancer. While I'm a humble student of astrology, I do know Cancer signifies the mother/child relationship or the personal (mother) and godly (child) relationship. And like how sacred temples were built facing the solstice, maybe you face this summer solstice as a time to reflect on how you're seen and want to be seen.  

How You're Seen

So, if possible, get comfortable and take a few deep breaths. Then, settle in as I guide you through a series of reflective inquiries.  

What do you think are your brightest attributes? 

What have you been told are your strongest suits? 

Is there a difference? 

Or do they complement each other?

Now ask yourself, "How do I want to be seen?". Then, tuck that into your pocket, and let's continue this short journey.

What are you unlocking and stepping into? What aspect of your psyche can you wake up? What are you becoming sensitized to? Sit with this insight for a bit like you would an old friend. Get reacquainted with this part of you. Notice how you feel as you reunite with this old friend, this part of yourself that is now free for you to be seen with or seen as. What do you physically notice as you embody your essence? 

When you embody your essence, you can leap forward in an innovative way. A way that feels out of the ordinary and may surprise you - yet, feels completely natural and effortless. We, the collective, are waiting for you to display your essence and to be fully seen as we enter this season of long bright summer days!

Now let's look at what's happening in your life where you need clarity. Is there a part of you or a decision in front of you that you feel is unclear or holds uncertainty? Allow the bright light of the summer solstice to illuminate the direction you seek or to see what's unseen.

How do you see yourself now? Is it similar to how you want to be seen? You know those qualities you tucked into your pocket - how do they stack up now?

Do they still feel slightly off? If so, let's explore if there's something in your masculine (yang) energy that needs to be healed? Where does your heart want to go? How do you allow your divine masculine tendencies to pave that road? Then look at how you may marry your divine feminine and masculine tendencies so that you show up whole and awake. Based on the planetary placements, now is the time for you to reunite your divine masculine and feminine. When you merge these energies, all of your brilliance is seen. 

Built-in Checkpoint 

Let's follow along this path we're on. The summer solstice is a built-in checkpoint to see where you have come and where you're headed in the next 6 months or until the next solstice. 

Replay some of your brightest moments over the last 6 months. Then, recall one particularly sparkly moment you want to celebrate right now.

  • How did you feel at that moment?
  • What was one of your redeeming qualities that was the source or impetus of this moment?
  • What did you experience that was new or a pleasant surprise?
  • What insight, quality, or feeling from this moment will you carry forward?

As you bask in that light, imagine energetically absorbing all the seen and unseen healing of that moment.

Now that you've embodied the nature of that moment, let's look at your attachments. With love and compassion, look at parts of you that go against consciousness. What are you holding on to that's not working for you? Slowly let go of your attachments - especially the one you've been clenching to - and feel it unwind for a soft landing. 

This reminds me of a physical sensation described by Tara Brach. Clench your hand right now into a fist. Hold this fist tightly as you try to listen to me. It's difficult, right. Your mind and everything about you is occupied by clenching your fist. Now slowly loosen your grip. Notice how you physically feel the energy of your hand, and the energy around you soften. Again, notice where your attention goes. Your senses open with ease, and you notice more. Crazy, right?

So with that sensation, think about slowly letting go of your attachment. And as you let go of that attachment and whatever else you don't need or no longer find viable - what emerges from the process? What is the feeling below the attachment? Consider giving that feeling an energetic hug with loving-kindness.

And once you let go of what's holding you back, ground yourself in a deeper truth. Anchor yourself in the right energy in a way that feels right for you. Remember to plant yourself in rich, fertile soil so you can be well, peaceful, and at ease as you move through this era of uncertainty and instability. 

With this grounding, consider focusing on goals and transitions for the second half of the year or until the next solstice. And remember that sometimes you need to end things to begin new things. 

  • What habits, tasks, and activities are you ending to allow for the new?
  • What is your intention for the second half of the year? 
  • What new beginnings do you have? And what innate qualities or inherit tools will you rely on?
  • What practices will you continue with or put in place to support your intentions?
  • What community will you rely on for support to help you move through turmoil and polarization? 

I have to pause here to emphasize that it's in your blood to have a tribe, a circle of people that appreciate you, honor you, and challenge you. If you don't have this sisterhood, brotherhood, or group, then make it a priority to find one! You don't need to travel rough terrain alone when pursuing your work, dreams, results, or transformation!

I heard someone say the other day that when you're busy doing things in your life, you are living a meaningless life. But when you connect with your soul, your gifts, and your purpose (even if you're doing the same task or in the same job), you are living a meaningful life. And I would add that when each of us lives a meaningful life at an individual level, we contribute to the collective by offering our truest nature and our most authentic gifts. And that's how we, as a collective, participate in this transformation we're experiencing as we move through uncertainty and change. We become shepherds of this change.

So what does this mean? And how do you apply this to the intentions you hold for the next several months? It means it's more important now than ever to keep your channel open to access your inner wisdom and your inner truth. And when you do this, you live an awakened life. You gracefully dance through unpredictability in your unique way as you see your goals, transitions, and intentions turn to fruition. And what better time to be reminded of this than the summer solstice.

Full Circle

And to come full circle, the earthly vibrancy of the summer solstice is an energizing invitation to reflect. Reflect on how you're seen, celebrate moments you shined bright, and use this heightened clarity to set intentions and direction for where you're headed.


The main takeaway from today's episode is to bask in the warmth of this summer solstice and the insights you accessed through these inquiries.

See you in next week's episode.

I honor the divine in you.