What's Your Birth Story?

Do you know your birth story? You know, how you arrived in this world? Did you arrive early? Late? What do you know about your mother's delivery? Fast and furious? Slow and steady? Today I'm talking about how you arrived in this world serves as a blueprint of how you experience life.
I am Erica Smigielski, a Depth Hypnosis and Applied Shamanic Practitioner. Soulful Soundbites is for anyone looking to nourish their soul in practical and relatable ways.
Do you know your birth story? You know, how you arrived in this world? Did you arrive early? Late? What do you know about your mother's delivery? Fast and furious? Slow and steady? Today I'm talking about how you arrived in this world serves as a blueprint of how you experience life.
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Erica Smigielski, creator, producer, and writer, continues to place energetic ‘milk bottles’ through each episode to help those who seek or need a ray of light.
Janae MacMaster and the QBR Team (quickbusinessresolutions.com) provide endless support (and tireless edits) to bring you this podcast.
Clementine Moss designed and recorded the music for Soulful Soundbites. Follow her and experience her magic at instagram.com/clemthegreat/.
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Hey, Friends!
Do you know your birth story? You know, how you arrived in this world? Did you arrive early? Late? What do you know about your mother's delivery? Fast and furious? Slow and steady? Today I'm talking about how you arrived in this world serves as a blueprint of how you experience life.
So here we go...
Rest and Remanence
Yesterday was our daughters' 13th birthday. So I shared with them their birth stories - once again. This time they seemed really interested. And, surprisingly, I felt more emotional as I remanence that day's events. This moment inspired me to record this episode.
Did you know that how you arrive into this world is how you move through life? Seriously.
Unravel and Relate
Let's unravel this a bit really understand what I mean by saying this. So, assuming you know your birth story, was your mother's delivery process short, and you arrived swiftly and quickly? Or was the delivery long and laborious? Did you arrive early, on time, or late?
Based on that information, I'll share general translations of how that experience may relate to how you navigate life - to help root this.
If you arrived early or your delivery process was quick, you may be a person who's eager to jump in and try new things. You know. You're ready to plunge into a situation, try a new adventure or test a solution. You may have even been told you're like a "bull in the china shop" or "you're so adventurous."
Let's say you arrived late, or your mother had a long and strenuous delivery before a c-section. Then you may feel things happen before you're ready. And maybe you seek relief by having someone pull you out of a situation. You may even place comfort as a high priority in your life and need to be coached and persuaded to move outside your comfort zone into a new setting.
Your birth can be a template for your life. The way you experience your birth and the type of nurturing or lack thereof becomes a foundation for everything else you experience in life. If you were well nurtured, you will likely carry this experience and learn to care for yourself.
If you were not nurtured, then you probably feel unprotected. In this case, you may seek out other forms of protection. This reminds me of one of my client's inability to feel accepted in a group or society. Through our sessions, she realized that her mother never really wanted to have kids, which was felt at a cellular level. The lack of affection from her mom surfaced as her tendency to be attracted to people that also have an eye on others. So, your birth experience may send you on a spiritual quest.
Another Perspective
So to put this into another perspective, I'll share a personal story. Thirteen years ago, my husband and I were expecting twins. I chose to deliver them through a scheduled c-section. The pregnancy was beautiful. I reveled in the journey as I watched my body grow. No early signs of labor. I had no major issues that often come with a "high risk" pregnancy when carrying multiples.
Baby A was heads down and ready to make her arrival what seemed like 1/2 through the pregnancy. And she didn't move. She staked her ground.
Baby B was on the 'top punk .' First, she found her way and space by maneuvering around Baby A's staked position. Then, as our delivery date came, she settled into a breach position.
We gracefully went full-term for twins, which was a blessing. When our delivery day arrived, all was good.
When Baby A arrived, she was loud. I mean LOUD. Yet, her scream soothed me in, knowing all was good - she could breathe, so I felt all was well. Then, 30 seconds later, I heard my doctor say "let go" in a light, cheerful manner. Being strapped down, I was puzzled. Then she chuckled and said Baby B was grasping onto the medical wires, fully alert, before letting out her 1st cry. Ahhh...my second sigh of relief.
Now fast forward to today. Our daughters are 13 years old, and I can say their birth story has - so far- been an accurate template for how they move through life.
Both make comfort a high priority in their lives. We witnessed this early on by them staying put in the womb and appearing content. However, our daughters are polar opposites - similar to when in utero, one was head down and ready to go, and the other was breached.
To look at this even closer, we'll start with Baby A, our Sydnee. She is often first to do something - first in line, first to try a new sport, first to ride a bike - pretty much our "first at anything" strong-willed spirit. And when Syndee makes a decision or has an idea, she tends to be stubborn and steadfast. Again, similar to her staking her placement in the womb 1/2 way through the pregnancy.
Baby B, our Simone, tends to be cautious and takes things in carefully. She has an "eyes wide open" approach to life where she likes to absorb and take things in before taking action. In Chinese Medicine, they say Baby B is the wiser one as they let Baby A go out into the crazy world first and stumble around before they take their path. By nature, Simone seems to quietly watch before making a move. She also tends to yield her own needs to bend and mold to others - similar to finding her space in the tight corners of the womb.
Fascinating right?
Wrap Up
So to wrap up, I invite you to revisit your birth story and see how it's served as a template for you. If you don't know your birth story, then ask about it.
And if you're a mother too, recall your child or your children's birth. How did they arrive in this world? And how does their arrival resemble how they navigate life?
Let me know how accurate this applies to you. Drop me a message on Instagram @Sparkpath. And if you find these topics interesting and insightful, share my podcast with a friend and write a review on iTunes.
Oh, hey! If you want more soulful conversations like this in a more interactive setting, join my Soulful Soundbites community on Mighty Networks. It's soulfulsoundbites.mn.co.
Alrighty. I'll leave you with that…
Bye for now...